Sunday, November 2, 2014

Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

Was diagnosed on August 18, 2014 with Fibromyalgia, which supposedly encompasses all my years of debilitating body pain, foggy memory and depression. Skipped the heavy pharmaceutical suggestions - Amitriptyline anti depressants, trigger point injections and Naproxyn Sodium - and did more holistic suggestions instead. Went off beef, gluten and dairy, avoiding fast foods and fatty foods in general, doing more walking, and viola! Lost 20 pounds without trying! Feel MUCH less pain and brain fog. Must have been having an all-over allergic reaction to WHEAT!

In my travels through the grocery store searching for gluten free items, I realized its a huge issue. The gluten free sections are getting bigger and bigger.That made me wonder if collectively we could all be on wheat overload, after thousands of years of agriculture and decades of wheat-based foods being pushed on us every waking moment...

Then I had an even better breakthrough! In October, during a session with one of our clients who happens to be a Naturopathic Doctor, we were introduced to Stem Fit, a product containing largely Young Tissue Extract and Marine minerals. Now I feel almost like I did 20 years ago... Getting there pretty fast, now.  So thankful for the ability to wake up and not feel like I've been hit by a train...

I am a distributor of the Young Tissue Extract products now. If you're curious, please go to