Sunday, November 2, 2014

Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

Was diagnosed on August 18, 2014 with Fibromyalgia, which supposedly encompasses all my years of debilitating body pain, foggy memory and depression. Skipped the heavy pharmaceutical suggestions - Amitriptyline anti depressants, trigger point injections and Naproxyn Sodium - and did more holistic suggestions instead. Went off beef, gluten and dairy, avoiding fast foods and fatty foods in general, doing more walking, and viola! Lost 20 pounds without trying! Feel MUCH less pain and brain fog. Must have been having an all-over allergic reaction to WHEAT!

In my travels through the grocery store searching for gluten free items, I realized its a huge issue. The gluten free sections are getting bigger and bigger.That made me wonder if collectively we could all be on wheat overload, after thousands of years of agriculture and decades of wheat-based foods being pushed on us every waking moment...

Then I had an even better breakthrough! In October, during a session with one of our clients who happens to be a Naturopathic Doctor, we were introduced to Stem Fit, a product containing largely Young Tissue Extract and Marine minerals. Now I feel almost like I did 20 years ago... Getting there pretty fast, now.  So thankful for the ability to wake up and not feel like I've been hit by a train...

I am a distributor of the Young Tissue Extract products now. If you're curious, please go to

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Neurotransmitter test

     Ever since I worked for Dr Gordon in 2003, I've wanted to take one. Neuroscience was recently bought out by Pharmasan Labs. The simple urine test shows what levels your 10 different brain chemicals are at. GABA, Norepinephrine, Dopamine, and several more. But you have to go to a Naturopath or a progressive doctor who will agree to receive the results. Most MDs won't carry the lab tests, because the large hospitals have service contracts with large lab companies like Qwest, who don't do the tests. You have to go through a particular lab.

     The MD at the large hospital had just explained to me there was no such thing as a test to identify which brain chemicals were off balance. Because I had worked at Dr Gordon's office 10 years ago, I knew it was a lie. I always thought that was weird. They can tell you which pharmaceutical drug affects which brain chemical - like Celebrex affects dopamines-but they can't test you and tell you exactly what you need? They sit there and say, well, most Americans are positively affected by the drugs that increase dopamines, but you'll have to try it to see. You might need Zoloft or Paxil. Well, I've watched friends trust their doctors and take the prescribed medications only to endure weeks of sleepless nights and sweats and loss of appetite and loss of ability to concentrate, only to be told they need to try something else. Then they go through witthdrawal from that drug and all the pains of trying a new one. And we all hear about the side effects, most of which are actually intensified versions of your original symptoms. Like homicidal/suicidal thoughts or behaviors. I remember when Prozac first came out and people randomly started killing family members. Well the pharmaceutical companies went back to the drawing board and, funded by millions of dollars in research funding provided by the government, changed the chemical composition of Prozac by one molecule, renamed it Celebrex and remarketed it. I am continuously astounded that drugging the American population to death is promoted and allowed and legal,yet, taking a simple urine test to check  the levels of your brain chemicals is taboo.
      The therapist who administered the Beck Depression Inventory test and found me "Extremely depressed" told me she felt my depression was "situational", caused by the persecution experience I had recently had at the Jesuit University. She also told me to go straight to an MD and get a prescription. So, I did. I spent about 10 minutes speaking to the MD, who assured me when I asked that "there just isn't" a specific test to check people's brain chemistry, walked out with a generic prescription for Celebrex (Celexa) and a bill for $218.00. My route home just happened to bring me past the Naturopath's office and I decided I would finally bite the bullet and get the urine test. I was surprised by the results and really glad I paid the $225 to have the test.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


a very anxious day. feeling like I got scammed for all that financial aid money. victimized.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Myth of the Day 3-13-2013

"If I exercise my will, there may be disastrous consequences."

I was right in the middle of thinking about how I'd love to open the front door and find warm sunshine. That made me have a split-second fantasy about moving. Then I had the above fear-based thought.

So, I can see that my egoic patterning is attempting to paralyze me into keeping the status quo and not make any changes.

Bringing these things to conscious awareness is the first step in eliminating them. In fact, it's probaby 90% of the battle.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fat and Depressed, Dec 2012

Depressed Kelly, Aug 2012

Accomplishments today 3-12-13

Today I started this blog, communicated  with the school confirming the approval of my medical hardship withdrawal and I made 2 healthy drinks. I made a green smoothie at lunchtime with red chard and blueberries, and at dinner I made carrot juice. No exercise, today, but last night I took  my daughter to a yoga class at the Y and I watched. At least it's a step in the right direction! The teacher warmly invited me and my husband to join her class. She also teaches Fiona's ballroom dance class, and we've been invited to join that too. So, maybe soon, I will try one of the classes. I feel to fat and too inhibited, but I will probably try the yoga class soon... You never know!